Tuesday, September 9, 2008

¡Ya basta! (Enough is Enough)

Maybe I'm the only one who cares......
Maybe I am the only one who this burns a whole in and makes skin crawl...
Maybe I'm the only one who this offends..........
Maybe I am the only one who sees flaw with the whole issue.....

America is Anti-Muslim
Yes that's right the home of Free speech and Democracy, is the Home of the NEO-Nigger term "Muslim" and no one seems to Care

our country is spouse to be that of a country that no matter your Race,Creed,Gender, or political affiliation can live safety and freely.
Presidential candidate Barack Obama has stated time and time again that he is a Christian and not of the Muslim faith. But it is almost as if he has to denounce the Muslim faith for the country to accept him! I am disappointed that a man of his hierarchy has not said something about the whole issue. though he is not why wouldn't Barack Obama be allowed to be a Muslim in the "Great Melting Pot of America"?

why would it be so Anti-American for a man of the Muslim faith to be the president of this country some day?

Why is it that we can have people of the Muslim faith defending our "Great Country" but not representing it?
it makes me sad that NO one of any type of status, whom always are the prominent speakers on all the other Issues of rights (Ellen Degeneres, Cornell West,Bono,even rappers) have nothing to say about it.

Sometimes I truly Wonder if the Man I want to lead my Country is going to be too scared to do his Job and stand up for his beliefs,principles, and Civil rights at the same time! Some times I just wonder if what those hecklers were saying is gonna end up being true? Will the Disenfranchised Youth in our Urban Cities be once again pushed into the "invisible man" category!
This video begs the question would it still be such a big issue if McCain made this mistake?


  1. faith should not dictate who is to become the next president. I agree with you totally that this is AMERICA for crying out loud, and we have the opportunity to practice freedom of just about every freakin thing. So y should it matter what religion he is.. TISK TISK TISK.. Im movin to bermuda lol

  2. Look, this nation has NEVER been the home of free speech and democracy. That schtick was never meant to be applied to people like you or me or Obama. When have we EVER been able to live freely and in safety?

    With regards to

    why would it be so Anti-American for a man of the Muslim faith to be the president of this country some day?

    Well, that's easy to answer. It's because America was not meant to be a place where diversity of religion and culture would be tolerated or, heaven forbid, even celebrated. If it was, there would have been no genocide of the American Indians or widespread enslavement of Africans. The founding father of this nation worked hard to establish the hierarchy that exists today. It's been being re-inforced for hundreds of years now. Anything that would challenge that hierarchy would indeed be Anti-American.

    I wish things were different but that's the world (and nation) that we live in. Maybe one day there will be a different America where a candidate like Obama wouldn't represent the antithesis of what this nation stands for.

    By the way, I stumbled onto your blog and I've enjoyed reading it. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, brother!
