The Word Religion is defined by dictionary.com as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
This word is MAN MADE
As a child in my household my Mother was not big on Religion she said she grew up Catholic,
and did not like how as a child she was forced every Sunday to attend church and sometimes my grandparents would not even go.Futhermore she could not understand how "EVERYTHING" was a sin i.e. Birth control. By the time I was born My mother just felt that she did not have to go to church to have a relationship with GOD.
When I moved down to N.C. Religion became HUGE, if u were not a Christian you were a heathen and going to hell fast. So when I was younger I felt Christianity to be the pick for me it made sense to me and I still think that Jesus Died for our Sins.
But through the years these were some things that did not make sense
- Why were Christians the ones who enslaved my people and forced their religion upon us?
- Why Would God take us through slavery?
- Why Did a group of politicians feel it important to change Catholicism?
- Why would God let the Holocaust happen and how could Christians go along with it and just be so anti-semitic?
- why do these religions share some of the same books?
- so you are telling me Gandhi is going to hell?
- The Bible was man written
- some things from the Bible were taken out!
- How could anyone say that Jesus was not black?
- How could Phyliss Wheatley say "Twas Mercy that took me from my pagean land"
These are just a few of the questions that racked my brain, but I was not old or rebellious enough to challenge my own faith in the search of truth.
To me this poem sizes up how I feel about religion!
I respect everybody's religion and to be honest our God's might all be the same!
Who am I to Be like America has been and say that your God is not Right?
America has people thinking in this "great melting pot that being a Muslim is Anti-American"
I am in search of truth with no specific Religion!
My faith realies in the idea that the Truth of God is in our heart and I will continue to search for truth.
Well, hello there. I'm completely agree with you. In this life, there are many religions, and some people in those religions are the one who forced their religion upon others by any mean they've justified... I'm sick of it, seeing people saying that his/her religion is the best and it will bring salvation if I convert into his/her religion.. That's just suck. God is one, God is whole. So why people can't just coexist and realize that this small, tiny earth is gonna explode if they keep treating others like that...?