The Word Religion is defined by as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
This word is MAN MADE
As a child in my household my Mother was not big on Religion she said she grew up Catholic,
and did not like how as a child she was forced every Sunday to attend church and sometimes my grandparents would not even go.Futhermore she could not understand how "EVERYTHING" was a sin i.e. Birth control. By the time I was born My mother just felt that she did not have to go to church to have a relationship with GOD.
When I moved down to N.C. Religion became HUGE, if u were not a Christian you were a heathen and going to hell fast. So when I was younger I felt Christianity to be the pick for me it made sense to me and I still think that Jesus Died for our Sins.
But through the years these were some things that did not make sense
- Why were Christians the ones who enslaved my people and forced their religion upon us?
- Why Would God take us through slavery?
- Why Did a group of politicians feel it important to change Catholicism?
- Why would God let the Holocaust happen and how could Christians go along with it and just be so anti-semitic?
- why do these religions share some of the same books?
- so you are telling me Gandhi is going to hell?
- The Bible was man written
- some things from the Bible were taken out!
- How could anyone say that Jesus was not black?
- How could Phyliss Wheatley say "Twas Mercy that took me from my pagean land"
These are just a few of the questions that racked my brain, but I was not old or rebellious enough to challenge my own faith in the search of truth.
To me this poem sizes up how I feel about religion!
I respect everybody's religion and to be honest our God's might all be the same!
Who am I to Be like America has been and say that your God is not Right?
America has people thinking in this "great melting pot that being a Muslim is Anti-American"
I am in search of truth with no specific Religion!
My faith realies in the idea that the Truth of God is in our heart and I will continue to search for truth.