I needed someone to talk to on an intellectual level

Have u ever been in College, looked at ur Life and thought...my Dreams look like a distant reality right now! I have falling into the box of complacent student with the fear of the unknown (Real World) but i feel that either u run full speed at it or u graduate into it and it consumes u! Guess when u have that feeling its time to
wake up!!!
I have come to the point in my college career where the finish line is near but its a light at the end of the tunnel that is not visibile to
mine eyes...I turned 21 last year and was randomly thinking earlier today when i was 12 I thought i would be wifed up..n chasing my dreams by now...(Forever never seems that long until your grown) the Reailty is im 21..N college and about to let the fear of Faliure strip me of the whole purpose of why God gave a man dreams..Im gonna be 22 on Febuary 27.. I just think what have i accomplished? Have i just been gettin over? Its dudes that are 21 that are making Millions, Shaking up the world (RIP
Fred Hampton) n more importantly following there heart n their dreams. So when u think about those things 21-22 is my prime...it seems to be that just now more individuals are taking longer to get out there dreams...back in the day ppl by this age were at a different stage from where im at..of course this changes with time..ppl live longer..people also don't hafta struggle as hard as the last generation did because they made it a little bit easier...But the question i have to me and everybody who is reading this is..what path are u on...are u stuck? Does ur future seem unclear...If so u are not following your heart..if u were.. ur heart would be that guiding light... that makes u feel that warmth that it will never lead u astray..It will make sure u never feel lost..ur goals are ubtainable..and that at the end of the day u are doin what u love!
Somethings are gonna have to change if you are gonna be able to divorce your mindset...
1. you can not do things with the intetions of seeking others approval
2. you have to be willing to work harder,longer, and stronger
3. Never fall into anything that will help u lose sight of goals
4. Don't overload ur soul
5. Take off..spread ur wings and FLY
With all this being said some changes are going to be made in the near future for me...I will keep u posted all the way...but this is just me letting u know modiocraty was never in my destiny i was designed for something bigger (On my K.West) don't Forget i told ya!
Embark on your journy of following your heart